Pre Apocalyse

High School

Xenon, years ago, when they were Valentine and before they dealt with life post end of the world, was pretty cheerful outwardly. They had little grasp on controlling their emotions, often letting things get out of hand, either blinding them to issues or blinding them in anger leading to physical altercations. They had to learn to control their emotions very quickly when magic appeared. Their wild emotions could lead to bright cyan sparks flying off them, ionizing radiation, and anyone around them to feel very sick, and if exposed long enough, kill them. Since they didn't want to be dangerous to be around, they had to learn to control both magic and emotions fast. This would be them sneaking out to either a forest clearing or a large abandoned place to practice. Until one day Nova confronted them about their little secret. Luckily (or maybe not), Nova kept Xenon's magic a secret. Throughout highschool, they had a secret war that had the threat of revealing each other's secrets. Most thought it was just an academic rivalry between the stoic Nova and hyper emotional Xenon. It ended up becoming much more. They both started college.


College was when Nova and Xenon came to an agreement to have a few ‘truce’ days. These days happened for a variety of reasons, it could be when big projects were due, a video game had a midnight release, a convention, exams, Nova having to rely on Xenon to drive her to college, and Sodi wanting to hang out with Xenon. Nova did find Xenon to be a fun opponent so she would rather wait to have a confrontation if it meant her opponent would focus on her. So Nova used one of these truce moments as a way to plan. It ended up lasting the first month of summer. And all because of Xenon's worry. Xenon often worried for the people they held dear. That was how they lost sleep that month. They suspected Nova was planning something big, the alien had refrained from being boastful during the temporary truce and the human found that very suspicious, but Sodi was suffering and needed Xenon to confide in. It took all of Xenon’s energy and focus to care for their friend and control their powers. The truce came screeching to a halt when Sodi killed herself. And all Xenon's practice on controlling their powers and emotions came crashing down with it.

And Nova took notice of this. She attempted to use Xenon's grief to manipulate them into destroying the world. A partnership. Xenon's answers to Nova's world destroying partnership? Body slam her while giving off an amount of ionizing radiation that would be lethal to any human! Lucky for Nova, it wasn’t enough to kill her.

Eve of the End of the World

With a worsening mental state and now paranoia from Nova’s attempt at manipulation, Xenon sought out the current Guardian, the magical protector of Serieena. He just chuckled at Xenon’s fear as they attempted to explain the alien’s plot to destroy the world with disjointed thoughts and mangled words.

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