The Important People

Xenon O'Ceann

[They/them, xi/xir with close friends]

A slightly crazy human who survived the apocalypse. They lost their closest friend prior to the end of the world, which caused them to become quite cold. They still maintain their care for others, they just avoid expressing emotion, or sharing anything about themselves. But they will help someone no matter what. They are nomadic, people in the bits of civilization that remain often share hushed rumors of the strange person who passes through but never stays still for long. Some have witnessed Xenon use their powers, so there is a rumor between scavenger gangs that Xenon is the one who caused the apocalypse.

Nova Binnalis


An alien from an imperialistic empire and a mad scientist in her own right. She was sent to Seelinna to either destroy or take over the planet. She had a rivalry with Xenon back in highschool. Which came from knowing about Xenon’s powers and Xenon knowing about her alien origin. She is one of two people who know Xenon’s old name. She weaponizes this knowledge. Nova wanted to use Xenon’s powers to help destroy the world. The control over radiation would have been very useful to her. And it was, Nova ended up kidnapping Xenon and using them as a battery to power some weapon. An overflow of energy caused the machine to blow up, there started the end of the world as everyone knew it. Of course, humanity is resilient and adaptable, some people survived, and worked together to stay alive. Nova deems the apocalypse she made a failure. But at that point Xenon couldn’t fight her. Leading to two years of torture from Nova, where Xenon lost their arm. They did eventually escape, but Nova continues to search for the strange human that certainly is an interesting subject of research.

Sodi Li Vahtii


and others to be added


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